Restinga Travel

Hannibal’s footsteps Tour 8days/7n from Fez (Half Twin)

8 Days


Join us on this eight-day, private tour and explore Morocco’s major highlights. Starting from Fez, where we will pick you up upon arrival, this trip will take you to Fez, Meknes , Ouazzane , Chaouen ,Tangier, Asilah and Rabat, among other places. See some of the major highlights of all these cities during this trip: to visit of the spiritual capital, the Medieval Medina of Fez as well as a famous craftsmanship center in North Morocco . Get the chance to explore the Roman ruins of Volubilis, widely regarded as the ancient capital of the kingdom of Mauretania. The trip comes to an end in Fez, where we will drop you off at the airport on the last day of the tour. For more details, please go through the itinerary .


- Arrival to Fez Saiss airport. Welcoming and assistance by Restinga Travel staff.

- Transfer to the hotel.

- Check in, dinner and overnight in hotel 4* Zalagh Parc or similar .

- Fez : Departure to Meknes. Stop 60 minutes - Admission included

- Meknes : visit of the Ismailian capital (which has the longer ramparts in Morocco (40 km)): the famous Bab Mansour gate, the Royal horses Stables and the Jewish quarter. Continuation then through the holly city of Moulay Driss to Volubilis. Stop for the visit of the Roman city & lunch (optional) at a local restaurant. Stop 2 hours

- Chefchaouen : Afternoon, continuation to Chaouen through Ouazzane. Dinner & accommodation at the hotel. Stop: 2 hours


- Breakfast : at the hotel

- Dinner : at the hotel

- Overnight : 4* hotel Casa Hassan Or Parador or similar

Day 3 :

- Chefchaouen : Departure for the visit of Chaouen, (Chefchaouen in Berber). It’s one of the most beautiful cities in Rif ,the mountainous massif which is the last rampart before the Mediterranean and the Iberian Peninsula. Chefchaouen is known by its Medina of shady alleys, whitewashed houses with blue turquoise doors, wrought iron windows and tile covered roofs. The souks are decorated with their traditionally dressed inhabitants toing and froing in their straw hats. Lunch (optional) at a local restaurant & rest of the day at leisure. Dinner & accommodation at the hotel. Stop : 6 hours


- Breakfast : at the hotel

- Dinner : at the hotel

- Overnight : 4* hotel Casa Hassan Or Parador or similar

- Chefchaouen : Departure to Tangier. Stop : 2 hours

- Chefchaouen : through Tetouan, a famous craftsmanship center in North Morocco. It is a nice town of Andalusia style that seduces visitors by its meanderings, valleys, serenity and its special ambiance. If it were not for its mountainous character, Tetouan would have been another Fez. Its museums, its Mellah and craftsmanship schools evoke a rich past. Lunch (optional) . Dinner & accommodation at the hotel. Stop : 2 hours


- Breakfast : at the hotel

- Dinner : at the hotel

- Overnight : 4* hotel Atlas Rif & Spa or Similar

- Tangier : Departure for The city tour that involves Tangier. Its surroundings by Cap Spartel at the extreme North-West of Africa and by Hercules Caves which are associated with the legend that was Hercules who separated Africa from Europe. The visit includes also the Kasbah district next to the port, the old Medina with its craftsmanship shops and a magnificent minaret overlooking the sea. You will also have the opportunity to pass by the Grand Socco and the Mendoubia Park accommodating dragon skeleton dating from ancient centuries. Stop : 2 hours

- Asilah : Continuation then to Asilah with stop for Optional lunch at a local restaurant. Stop : 2 hours

- Rabat : Afternoon, departure to Rabat passing by Larache. Dinner & accommodation at the hotel.


- Breakfast : at the hotel

- Dinner : at the hotel

- Overnight : 4* hotel Farah or Similar

- Rabat : Visit of the administrative capital: The Royal Palace (Mechouar), the Oudaya Garden & Kasbah, the Mohamed V Mausoleum, the Hassan Tower Mosque. Lunch (optional) at a local restaurant on the spot & visit. Stop 2 hours

- Fez : Continuation then to Fez. Dinner and accommodation at the hotel. Stop: 2 hours - Admission included


- Breakfast : at the hotel

- Dinner : at the hotel

- Overnight : 4* hotel Zalagh Parc or Similar

- Fez : The whole day is devoted to the visit of the spiritual capital. Stop: 6 hours - Admission included


- Breakfast : at the hotel

- Dinner : at the hotel

- Overnight : hotel 4* Zalagh Parc or similar

- Breakfast : at the hotel


- Transfer to Fez Saiss airport with assistance.

-- End of our services --



  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Breakfast
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Dinner
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Entry/Admission - Fez
  • Entry/Admission - Fez
  • Entry/Admission - Fez